Stone Product Ideas

Stone works are beautiful to behold, whether they are natural stone or cast stone. Natural stone has been cut from real rock, whereas cast stone is made of a mixture like concrete. There are advantages and disadvantages to both. Cast stone can be made to look just like real stone and if intricate detail is required (such as the features of a statue), cast stone is more cost effective than natural stone. Whatever your choice, you may simply love the way stone looks. Perhaps you are considering using stone products in your garden and home. If so, here are some ideas to get you thinking.


Birdbaths are elegant additions to any yard regardless of whether you have extensive property. Birds drink water and like to bathe, so you may attract some new friends. If you already have a bird feeder, a stone birdbath will help by attracting birds that do not eat the seeds you use in bird-feed.  

Statues are excellent ways to decorate your garden as well as express yourself. There are many types of stone statue from which to choose. There are cute frogs, toads, cats, rabbits, squirrels, and hedgehogs; religious statues such as a statue of the Virgin Mary or an angel; guardian statues such as lions, hounds, and gargoyles; and statues that take after classic Greek and Roman figures.     

Borders and garden seats will make your gardens look refined. Short mulch-bed borders would be installed piece by piece, but a specialist can be contracted to build and/or install a taller and fancier border. Garden seats look a lot more elegant than simple benches and lawn chairs but serve the same function.


Small décor items of cast or natural stone are popular among those interested in home décor. Stone planters, pots, vases, and umbrella stands are examples. A welcome stone with words engraved on it is another idea. There are also sets of bookends and paperweights made from cast stone.

Fireplaces and mantles are often built with cast or cut stone. The border, hearth, and mantle around an existing fireplace can be replaced with stone to make it look better. Particularly with cast stone, you will have choices for mantles with detailed designs and carvings.

Walls are not often made of stone, but a layer of cast stone or natural stone can be added over top of them. If you want the stones to be in more than one color, it's probably best to use cast stone with your desired finish. Natural stone will quickly become increasingly expensive if you want more than one type in your wall. Stone walls definitely add to the atmosphere of the home.  
